
Fog Monster Mini Fog Machine For Tabletop Games & Special FX

Created by Real Game FX

"Fog Monster" Fog Machines make continuous real fog that creeps & crawls across your game terrain. Colorless, odorless, runs on water. Backers Raised over $100,000 to create this product. Now we are making it available to everyone!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fog Monster BackerKit Survey Ends Today - Please Don't Delay, We Need You to Choose Your Rewards!
over 6 years ago – Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 06:28:07 PM

Thank you to the 641 backers that have completed the survey! If you are one of the 138 Backers that have not turned in your survey time is running out. The Survey deadline ends today, so please do not delay. The survey is crucial to receiving your reward and helping us compile the final number of manufacturing components so we can pull the lever on the full production run.

We can't wait to get started so lets get those last few surveys in today!

All the best,


Updated information to Update #43 - Bundled Shipping Cost Examples Explained
over 6 years ago – Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 06:35:08 PM

Some were a little confused by Update # 43, this update supercedes that and helps to clarify. Please note the shipping chart below. This is from the main project page. Find your country below for the original esitmated shipping cost for a single Fog Monster.

Now, if you have chosen an Add On from the Backerkit Survey and added it to your pledge we have created examples below that show how the shipping cost will change from the cost above.

For example in the chart above shipping to UK is $30.52. In the chart below it shows the Fog Monster plus the "Lg Pipe Run Pack" Add On. Notice the price now is estimated at $35.69. That means is cost only $5.00 to add the "Lg Pipe Run Pack" to your original Fog Monster order. Of course the more you add the more it may cost but we wont know the final cost until you finish filling out your survey. Once you do we can then calculate your order and send you the shipping cost.

We hope this helps explain things a little better.





Approximate Shipping Costs For Bundled Fog Monster And Add-Ons
over 6 years ago – Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 01:17:01 AM

By popular request we have worked with our shipper to put together a few examples of Fog Monster plus Add-On bundles. This should help give you an idea in advance of what the cost will be.

This is not an exhaustive cost list by any means, we just picked out the top bundles in the Backerkit Survey and the top 8 backer Countries. Please do not request additional pricing combinations, these will all be provided once you have completed your survey.

So how do these examples below work? - If you want the TLDR version basically it is about $3.00 to $9.00 extra for the items below.

Three to nine dollars on top of what? On top of the approximate DHL shipping prices we showed on the main project page per country to deliver one single Fog Monster. (see the bottom of the project page) (Note: We have eliminated the China Post option as our shipper feels DHL is more reliable.)

But I have free shipping to the USA - Yes, however if you choose ADD Ons your pricing will change and we will add that price to your shipping cost.

What is the Rush shipping price for USA? - The rush pricing is for those who have free shipping but do not want to wait for the 30 day boat to arrive. Rush means it will be Air shipped directly from the factory once production is finished.

How long is the shipping in these estimates? - Approximately 7-15 days.

Note again these are approximate per country, various geographical areas within the country may effect the cost, (.i.e delivery to the city vs a rural location.) this is a best estimate.

Hope this helps!






All about pipes....
over 6 years ago – Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 12:19:13 AM

A number of people have written in with the intent of finding out "what is the best choice for me when selecting pipes?"

As you can imagine, 700+ backers with different tables, designs, elevations, and uses intended, this does not allow for for a 1-size-fits-all solution!

What we can do to help, however, is establish some general working principles that, mixed with some common sense, should get you to your destination. So here it goes:

Large Pipe: 

Pros: Delivers large volume, slower moving fog that creeps out over large areas and builds on itself to "fill" up enclosed spaces. It also is best for supplying a large volume of fog to a spot where you intend to split or divert fog into smaller tubes and/or several places.

Cons: Large pipe is 1.57 inches on its outside diameter. This means that if you plan on sneaking it into a tiny fixture you designed...bad idea! Some want to have sewer grates and such with "steam" rising up from the floor of their map. Most would find it troublesome to lift part of our map into the air to get that large a pipe underneath. A smaller pipe would make more sense. Others may be fine with this or simply use a large pipe to fill a whole lower level sewer. (See what I mean about different ideas and approaches?)

Small diameter pipe:

Pros: At .98 inches O.D. this pipe will have a lower profile. Adding T fittings and elbows will still allow you to get around in constricted areas.  It can be used to effectively cut down volume when desiring to shunt fog/steam to several objects or spots for special effects.

Cons: Less volume than larger pipe (which can be overcome with a pressure fan). Looking to dump alot of fog into one area on map?... use larger pipe. You will need to tweak pressure to reduce velocity if the effect starts to look unnatural. Long runs of small diameter pipe with many twists and turns....use that fan! 

Some want to run their fog machine from below their table creating a 2-3 feet rise before it gets up to the map area. Since fog tends to fall rather than rise like steam, again, use the fan to get it up there. With a little velocity or air pressure, it will achieve the same look as steam if desired. 

Now for my personal opinion: Please understand, this is just what I would do and it may not fit in with your desired final vision of what you want. But for contrast, it still may help.

In my perfect world map, I would have at least 2 machines. One machine with large pipe to supply large volume fog to roll over my REAL ice lake and tundra area which would be formed by the accumulating fog (oh yes, not supposed to talk about that prototype till Kickstarter 2) and my second machine with smaller diameter pipes to lead off to special objects on my map, such as: my cave, smoking fissures and volcanic vents, a dwarven forge (ok some pun intended), volcano etc... 

I could go on and on, but in the end, common sense and your own sense of adventure will prevail. In conclusion, be assured that we look forward to your creativity and imagination in creating things that we have not yet seen or dreamed!

Backerkit Survey Is Live! - (aka, The Fog Monster "Candy Store" is open!)
over 6 years ago – Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 08:01:53 PM

All Backerkit Surveys are being sent out today Sept 21 so please check your email. If you do not receive it by Sept. 22  you may request it from Backerkit. The best way to do this is by going to Backerkit here As you can see in the picture below you will arrive at this screen and fill in your email address from your KS pledge.

The Backerkit Survey will be Locked down on Sept 28th. This means no more changes will be allowed in your Backerkit so be sure you have finalized your selections by Sept 28th. This will allow us to pull the lever on production, so please be prompt.

After that date KS pricing will change as we will switch over to our Backerkit Pre-Order Store with pricing for pre-orders, so any new visitors that want to get on board may do so there. That Backerkit Pre-Order store will go live on October 1. We will also begin populating our Website store in the coming months.

We want to thank all of you here in this project, the Backerkit survey is far surpassing our expectations with all the Add-On purchases and that is with only 1/3 of our backers having filled out the survey! (as of today 6pm EST) 

We will have more announcements as we continue to progress and begin manufacturing :) Onward and upward!