Fog Monster Mini Fog Machine For Tabletop Games & Special FX
Created by Real Game FX
"Fog Monster" Fog Machines make continuous real fog that creeps & crawls across your game terrain. Colorless, odorless, runs on water. Backers Raised over $100,000 to create this product. Now we are making it available to everyone!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Strom Drain Packs Now Available - Preview Of Storm Drain Creature Cap For Next Goal
over 7 years ago
– Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 09:10:52 PM
We have created a Storm Drain 4-Pack with a small discount for those of you interested in getting several pieces. Check it out on the main project page.
We have also had some questions about the next goal Add-On. Since we did not have any pictures we thought we would share some of our ideas on Creature Caps that will allow the fog to roll onto the terrain with a little more immersive style. They will be sized on a 2"x2" terrain floor piece so they will be able to fit right into typical 2"x2" wall terrain.
We are also considering simply fitting it onto the end of the pipe for those who may just want to hang it over the wall.
What do you think? Let us know you in the comments. If we can smash this next goal we can start looking forward to the new Creature Caps.
We are showing it with a 28mm miniature for scale. Onward and upward - only 4 days left!
Check Out Hammered Games Table Video Preview Of The Fog Monster
over 7 years ago
– Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 07:22:22 PM
Dan Fisher of Hammered Game Tables shows us how the Fog Monster Fog rolls across his Dwarven Forge terrain. ( Note: The machines Dan are using are prototype Fog Monsters not the finished product so noise will not be the same.)
Thanks Dan!
Click Picture below to watch Video Part 1
Click Picture Below For Part 2 video with Lighting
Light Box Add-On Now Available! - Project ends Tuesday 1pm August 31 and we are opening up the candy store!
over 7 years ago
– Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 07:21:52 PM
We are releasing the Light Box Add-On 2”x2”x2” terrain piece
today as we are able to now use a resin mold instead of much more expensive steel molds for manufacturing.
Light Box makes lighting easy with multi-color remote control operation. Each Fog Box contains an RGB
LED Light Pod and is remote controlled. Features: On/ Off 12 color selections & fade through colors. 1 Remote control for as many Light Boxes as you need.
2”x2”x2” design allows easy blending with typical 2x2 terrain pieces. Comes in Stone Gray. Use them for dramatic lighting effects in the fog. This may be your only opportunity to add this to your terrain collection so get them while you can!
New Fog Works Pipe Pack Add On Now Available!
over 7 years ago
– Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 11:42:48 PM
It's Finally here! The Fog Works Pipe Pack allows you to create your own pipe system to distribute fog wherever you need it on your terrain.
We worked hard to get this pricing as clear polycarbonate tubing can be very expensive. Clear pipes allow you to track where the fog is moving and detect any blockages along the way. Also allows for great lighting effects.
Rather than itemizing pricing on each piece we have created a simple $10 for any 5 pieces. This represents a significant savings from the original Fog Works which was $18 for 5 pieces. If you purchased the $18 fog works all the same pieces are still available here but will now only cost $10.00. The original $18 Fog Works Add On is now replaced by: (1) 49mm x 305mm length Pipe, (2) 49mm Elbows, (1) 50mm length inner connector Pipe.
The pipe system now come in two sizes. The Large Pipe System is 49mm OD x 40mm ID for large volume fog. Works great for filling large areas of terrain quickly. The Small Pipe System is 32mm OD x 25mm ID for vertical steam effects like manhole covers and sewer vents.
So how does it work? As you know there is no shopping cart in KS. So just add up the number of packs you need and add it to your pledge. We will send out an itemized survey at the end of the project.
Only 6 days left, this may be your only chance to build the fog works pipe system you need at these prices!
Note additional shipping charges will apply even to free shipping Reward items as it changes the size and weight of the package.
Update on the Update! Hammered Game Tables To Review Fog Monster!
over 7 years ago
– Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 08:29:05 PM
Since we did not get to set up the Fog Monster the way we were hoping to at Gen Con (as many of you asked to see down inside a Hammered Game Table) Hammered Dan has contacted us to send off the Fog Monster to his shop where he will do a video review of it using his own Dwarven Forge terrain.
We will overnight the Fog Monster to Dan so he can get the review up for all of you to see before the project ends. Thanks Dan!
So what kind of impression did the Fog Monster make on those who saw it at Gen Con? Rather than do our own review you may want to take a look at Hammered Dan's Facebook page here