
Fog Monster Mini Fog Machine For Tabletop Games & Special FX

Created by Real Game FX

"Fog Monster" Fog Machines make continuous real fog that creeps & crawls across your game terrain. Colorless, odorless, runs on water. Backers Raised over $100,000 to create this product. Now we are making it available to everyone!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Part Deux of Big Game Tables Need Big Fog Monster Fog - 4'x4' table example with Video.
over 7 years ago – Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 11:18:59 PM

In part 2 of our 4'x4' Fog Monster coverage we are back in the lab on the 4'x4' table to show you how terrain walls and inset tables like Hammered Game Tables will contain the fog. For such a large area we are proud of our little Fog Monsters and think you will like the results.

We also hope this demonstrates how with the addition of Fog an otherwise static game table can achieve a real animated environment.

Be sure to check your updates tomorrow for a special announcement. We have hit an internal goal in the project and want to share the love with everyone ツ

Thank you again for your support, you are making it happen!

All the best,



Big Game Tables Need Big Fog Monster Fog - 4'x4' table example with Video. PT 1
over 7 years ago – Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 12:22:09 AM

Greetings Monster Lovers! (especially you rare monster lovers :)) So you have a large game table and are wondering if 2 Fog monsters will be enough to satisfy your craving for fog? We have been busy preparing an example to help you decide. In this video we use a simple 4'x4' table to run an area coverage test (it's not up to the greatness of a Hammered Game Table but it's a start. ツ)

As you have seen, we have primarily featured videos with 2"x2" terrain with walls to contain the fog. In walled terrain the fog will hit the wall and then begin to fill up the entire scene. But for those with open terrain you can still use the Fog Monster to create spectacular areas of low lying fog.

In Video Part 2 we will address those of you who have large tables that have walls or are inset like Hammered Game Tables. Theses tables are much better at containing the fog as they trap the fog and allow it to build up inside.

We hope you enjoy the video!, and again thank you for your awesome support!

All the best from us here at RGFX

Fog Monster Mini Fog Machine Goes To Gen Con!
over 7 years ago – Tue, Aug 08, 2017 at 04:59:30 AM

 We are proud to announce that we have received a gracious invitation from Hammered Game Tables to display our Fog Monster Fog Machine at Gen Con  Indianapolis, Indiana, Friday through Sunday August 18-20 at Lucas Oil Stadium.

We know there will be some awesome Dwarven Forge terrain from their epic game trilogy displayed on the table and we can't wait to see what it will look like shrouded in mysterious fog. Be sure to drop by and see it all at Hammered Game Tables. Our little Monster is growing up so fast.

Why Gen Con now?  We think it is a great opportunity to meet up with the some of the worlds premier game terrain designers and see how our Fog Monster can be used to help create hyper-realistic settings for immersive game play. Also with the press coverage we hope to get the word out to a lot more backers and boost this project through all the stretch goals so we can bring you the very best fog options. (PS We put a little tip jar on the main page if you would like to contribute to the cause:)

If you have not stopped by Hammered Game Tables here is a link They do amazing work. Likewise Dwarven Forge creates some truly epic game terrain so be sure to stop by here as well.

We should be able to post some great sneak peek footage from Gen Con so stay tuned!  Again we thank you for your generous support, we could not have done this without you! 


Your Support Made it happen, The Fog Monster Is Alive! - Initial funding goal reached. Light Pods Unlocked.
over 7 years ago – Mon, Aug 07, 2017 at 01:42:27 PM

Well, it has been a great day for all of us as we hit our initial funding goal!

From all of us at RGFX we just would like to say a big THANK YOU!

Now that we have released the Fog Monster we will be trying hard to hit our stretch goals and add the components that will really flesh this project out.

To celebrate this occasion we are unlocking the "Light Pods" rewards. Be sure to add these lights to your fog for some spectacular effects!

We are turning in to get some well needed rest tonight and will be back hard at it over the weekend. Looking forward to making this project the best that it can be and we are off to a great start with support from a great community.

All the best from us at Real game FX


We are off and running!
over 7 years ago – Sun, Aug 06, 2017 at 11:38:08 AM

Greetings one and all and thank you to everyone on the project, we are off to a great start! Thanks to your awesome support we are already 32% of the way there in only 7 hours! Kicktraq has us trending at over 1000% of our goal if it keeps up. ( ah if only :))

You can almost feel that cool fog rolling in across the terrain. :) Here is to the most realistic gameplay possible, and all of you.
